night of a thousand moons – 2

Oil on Box Canvas 510 mm x 510 mm Unframed, Ready to Hang

  • night of a thousand moons – 2  Oil on Box Canvas 510 mm x 510 mm Unframed, Ready to Hang for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

 a fantasy

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Monisia, Ireland; Anju, India; Aileen, UK; Vela, Ireland; Sakina, India, Kristine, Brazil; Silje H, Norway; Jay, Spain; DP, France; Hamtochi, Japan; Lotus, Belarus; Priyanka, India; Leyla, Russia, Bijoy, India; Daniel, Finland; Subha, India; Sabo, Germany; Dennis, Germany; Khatool, Tajikistan; Natsumi, Japan; Megan, UK; Payal, India; Zach, Sweden; Roshna, India; Juan, Mexico; Daniel H, UK; Gohman, Poland; Dave, USA; CV, Philippines; WC, USA; Andrea, Colombia; TSK, USA; Mateo, Mexico; Leo, USA

Tags: Art, traditional, oil on canvas, fantasy, surreal, hyper real, magical, moons, sky, clouds, figure, rock, face, sculpture, black in painting; Modern Art Paintings art by C K Purandare UK, India

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  • Type: Oil on Box Canvas
  • Size: 510 mm x 510 mm
  • Frame: Unframed, Ready to Hang
Modern Art Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Monisia, Ireland; Anju, India; Aileen, UK; Vela, Ireland; Sakina, India, Kristine, Brazil; Silje H, Norway; Jay, Spain; DP, France; Hamtochi, Japan; Lotus, Belarus; Priyanka, India; Leyla, Russia, Bijoy, India; Daniel, Finland; Subha, India; Sabo, Germany; Dennis, Germany; Khatool, Tajikistan; Natsumi, Japan; Megan, UK; Payal, India; Zach, Sweden; Roshna, India; Juan, Mexico; Daniel H, UK; Gohman, Poland; Dave, USA; CV, Philippines; WC, USA; Andrea, Colombia; TSK, USA; Mateo, Mexico; Leo, USA

Tags: Art, traditional, oil on canvas, fantasy, surreal, hyper real, magical, moons, sky, clouds, figure, rock, face, sculpture, black in painting; Modern Art Paintings art by C K Purandare UK, India

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