for all that has happened and all that has not happened

oil on oil-paper 297mm X 421mm Framed with glass - 435X535

  • for all that has happened and all that has not happened  oil on oil-paper 297mm X 421mm Framed with glass - 435X535 for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Elena, Italy; Liviu Gherman, Romania; Binny S, USA; Greta, Poland; Scott Dillahunt, USA; Patrick Star, The Philippines; Chelsea Michelle, Spain; Gio, Georgia; HKF, Korea; Simon H, USA; Anastasiya, Russia; Cesare, France; Ramon, Spain; Lotus, UK; Noora, Egypt; Noushafarin, Iran; Swati, India; M Valenti, Italy; Mariola, Spain; Rossana, Italy; Sherie, USA; Susana, Germany; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Mike, Australia; Tanaya, India; Aiden, Ireland; Marc, USA; Ayushi, India; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Valerio, Italy; Shorina, Russia; Johanna, Austria; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Frank, UK; VK, Germany; Frank, UK; M Masi, Iran; Theo, Greece; Teresa, Portugal; Soulena, Germany

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  • Type: oil on oil-paper
  • Size: 297mm X 421mm
  • Frame: Framed with glass - 435X535
Portrait Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Elena, Italy; Liviu Gherman, Romania; Binny S, USA; Greta, Poland; Scott Dillahunt, USA; Patrick Star, The Philippines; Chelsea Michelle, Spain; Gio, Georgia; HKF, Korea; Simon H, USA; Anastasiya, Russia; Cesare, France; Ramon, Spain; Lotus, UK; Noora, Egypt; Noushafarin, Iran; Swati, India; M Valenti, Italy; Mariola, Spain; Rossana, Italy; Sherie, USA; Susana, Germany; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Mike, Australia; Tanaya, India; Aiden, Ireland; Marc, USA; Ayushi, India; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Valerio, Italy; Shorina, Russia; Johanna, Austria; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Frank, UK; VK, Germany; Frank, UK; M Masi, Iran; Theo, Greece; Teresa, Portugal; Soulena, Germany

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