
Oil on oil Paper 410 mm X 230 mm Unframed

  • Apemantus  Oil on oil Paper 410 mm X 230 mm Unframed for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

My interpretation of a character from Shakespear's play Timon of Athens.

He is Apemantus. Shakespeare describes him as a 'churly philosopher'. He is an incorrigible critic, finds faults with everything and everybody including sacred beliefs of people, tradition, hierarchy, etc.

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Azhrinna, Malaysia; Xzahaki, Norway; Sherie, USA; Rossana, Italy; Daniel, UK; Mariola, Spain; Elke, Germany; Mike, Australia; Anna, Russia; Raoul, Mexico; Susana, Germany; Mendonsa, Portugal; Trisha, Spain; Valeria, Italy; Saku, Finland; Keavy, New Zealand; Ellie, Germany; Dariana, Poland; Gora, Russia; Toree, Ireland; Stephen, France; Gloria, Czechia; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Udukogu, Estonia; Robe, Italy; Oxana, Romania; Dana Sherie, Poland; SHT, USA; BMI, Canada; Ulrich, Italy; Peta, Finland; Cristian, Spain; Liso, USA; Wibke, Germany; Ursula, Austria; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Sadede, Sweden

Tags: Apemantus painting by CK Purandare

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  • Type: Oil on oil Paper
  • Size: 410 mm X 230 mm
  • Frame: Unframed
Portrait Paintings
This painting has a minimum quantity of 100

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Azhrinna, Malaysia; Xzahaki, Norway; Sherie, USA; Rossana, Italy; Daniel, UK; Mariola, Spain; Elke, Germany; Mike, Australia; Anna, Russia; Raoul, Mexico; Susana, Germany; Mendonsa, Portugal; Trisha, Spain; Valeria, Italy; Saku, Finland; Keavy, New Zealand; Ellie, Germany; Dariana, Poland; Gora, Russia; Toree, Ireland; Stephen, France; Gloria, Czechia; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Udukogu, Estonia; Robe, Italy; Oxana, Romania; Dana Sherie, Poland; SHT, USA; BMI, Canada; Ulrich, Italy; Peta, Finland; Cristian, Spain; Liso, USA; Wibke, Germany; Ursula, Austria; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Sadede, Sweden

Tags: Apemantus painting by CK Purandare

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