forbidden colours

oil on box canvas [ready to hang] 254mm x 305mm Unframed

  • forbidden colours   oil on box canvas [ready to hang] 254mm x 305mm Unframed for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

This one is based on a novel - 'Forbidden Colours' by Yukio Mishima, a most celebrated Japanese writer.

The novel is set in post-second-world-war Tokyo.
Seeking revenge on the women who betrayed him, Shunsuke, an aging misogynist, enlists the help of Yuichi, a young homosexual, whose experiences in the gay underworld vividly depict the corruption of postwar Tokyo.

The painting is my portrayal of Yuichi, his long-suffering wife [and many rejected male lovers], and a number of women whose advances Yuichi thwarts.To me, Yuichi has much in common with Oscar Wilde's Dorian Gray - from their eternal youth to their utter selfish single-minded pursuit of personal hedonism to the exclusion of everything else.

Mishima stood for values I personally strongly disapprove of. He eulogised an Imperialist and militant Japan, and was a strong critique of 'dilution' of the traditional Japanese culture. At the same time, some critics detect a nihilistic agenda in his work. He was nominated 3 times for Nobel Prize.
He committed ritualistic suicide - seppuku [not hara-kiri] - at the age of 45 in 1970 in public. His suicide was also sensational.
The act was to end in his ritual decapitation by another colleague -Morita. Morita, who was rumored to have been Mishima's lover, was unable to perform the decapitation properly, and after several failed attempts, allowed another colleague - Koga, to finish the job. After Mishima was decapitated, Morita also committed seppuku and was beheaded by Koga.

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Atsushi Kuba, Japan; Meno, Russia, Aimee Kathleen, USA; Irene, France; Betty Crawford, Canada; Alan, UK; Ida, USA; Marcel, Poland; Aerena K, Croatia; Simon H, USA; Alvaro, Spain; Michela, France; Ryan,USA; Jus, Portugal; Cedric, USA; Morris. Canada; Noushafarin, Iran; Lotus, UK; Rossana, Italy; Chen, UK; Susana, Germany; Alpha, USA; Swati, India; Noora, Egypt; Bijay, India; Marie, USA; Payal, India; Alex, Canada; Kathy, Germany; Valerio, Italy; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Shorina, Russia; Cesare, France; Sahil, India; Anna H, Germany; Michael, Australia; Arian, Argentina, Saku, Japan; Niven, Israel; Marcos, USA; MC, Italy; Pinar, Turkiye; Elzinga, Chile; Xia, Japan; Federico, Italy; William, Colombia; Dinho, Brazil; Sherie, USA; Ramon, Portugal; Jane M, Philippines; Bijay, India

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  • Type: oil on box canvas [ready to hang]
  • Size: 254mm x 305mm
  • Frame: Unframed
Portrait Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Atsushi Kuba, Japan; Meno, Russia, Aimee Kathleen, USA; Irene, France; Betty Crawford, Canada; Alan, UK; Ida, USA; Marcel, Poland; Aerena K, Croatia; Simon H, USA; Alvaro, Spain; Michela, France; Ryan,USA; Jus, Portugal; Cedric, USA; Morris. Canada; Noushafarin, Iran; Lotus, UK; Rossana, Italy; Chen, UK; Susana, Germany; Alpha, USA; Swati, India; Noora, Egypt; Bijay, India; Marie, USA; Payal, India; Alex, Canada; Kathy, Germany; Valerio, Italy; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Shorina, Russia; Cesare, France; Sahil, India; Anna H, Germany; Michael, Australia; Arian, Argentina, Saku, Japan; Niven, Israel; Marcos, USA; MC, Italy; Pinar, Turkiye; Elzinga, Chile; Xia, Japan; Federico, Italy; William, Colombia; Dinho, Brazil; Sherie, USA; Ramon, Portugal; Jane M, Philippines; Bijay, India

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