
Acrylic on Box Canvas 305 mm x 402 mm Unframed, Ready to Hang for Sale

  • ruminating  Acrylic on Box Canvas 305 mm x 402 mm Unframed, Ready to Hang for Sale for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

She is lost in thoughts. acrylic painting on canvas

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Madeleine, Canada; DM, USA; Karen, USA; TD, New Zealand; John Palumbo, USA; Meno, Romania; John Kanellopoulos, Greece; Stacey, Canada; Tim Wilson, US; Bob, ChristmasIsland- Australia; Marta, Italy; Angie, Canada; C Bryzdki, USA; ChumachenkoCatherine, Russia; Amy, USA; Eamon Reilly, Ireland; Roxy Elle, Romania; AmberScott, USA

Tags: art, acrylic painting, acrylic painting on canvas, traditional painting, realistic painting, contemporary painting, social painting, subtext to painting, message in painting, symbolic painting, narrative in painting, portrait painting, figurative painting, painting makes a statement, abstract background in painting, elderly woman in painting, distant gaze in painting, light-and-shadow in painting suitable for living room, clinics, waiting room

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  • Type: Acrylic on Box Canvas
  • Size: 305 mm x 402 mm
  • Frame: Unframed, Ready to Hang
  • Availability:In Stock
Portrait Paintings

  • For More Information / Enquiry Whatsapp: 9370285986

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Madeleine, Canada; DM, USA; Karen, USA; TD, New Zealand; John Palumbo, USA; Meno, Romania; John Kanellopoulos, Greece; Stacey, Canada; Tim Wilson, US; Bob, ChristmasIsland- Australia; Marta, Italy; Angie, Canada; C Bryzdki, USA; ChumachenkoCatherine, Russia; Amy, USA; Eamon Reilly, Ireland; Roxy Elle, Romania; AmberScott, USA

Tags: art, acrylic painting, acrylic painting on canvas, traditional painting, realistic painting, contemporary painting, social painting, subtext to painting, message in painting, symbolic painting, narrative in painting, portrait painting, figurative painting, painting makes a statement, abstract background in painting, elderly woman in painting, distant gaze in painting, light-and-shadow in painting suitable for living room, clinics, waiting room

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