cleaning the ancestral mess

Oil on oil-paper 355 mm X 255 mm Unframed

  • cleaning  the ancestral mess  Oil on oil-paper 355 mm X 255 mm Unframed for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare


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Cerulea, S Korea; Pedro. Mexico; Daniel, UK; Raul, Mexico; Leo, USA; Haven, USA; Jeanine,The Netherlands; Payal, India; Susana,Germany; Valencia, Italy; Lidia, Poland; Cesare, France; Noora, Egypt; Bijay, India; Kohei, Japan; Jey, USA; Amir, Dubai; XB, France; Charlie, USA; Tia, Italy; Noushafarin, Iran; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Lotus, UK; Johanna, Austria; Claudia, Spain; FA, Italy; Andrea, Italy; UV, USA; Alexandru, Poland; Naman, India; Anastasiya, Russia; Dana, Germany; Enola, Iceland; Rossana, Italy; Lena, Canada; Emma, UK; Adriana, USA; Justyna, Poland; Dora, Poland; Mifflin. USA; Chen, UK; Zin, Malaysia; Vara, Russia; Joshua, US; Lotus, UK; Eric, Mexico; Marlene, Spain; Anna, Russia; Robe, Italy

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  • Type: Oil on oil-paper
  • Size: 355 mm X 255 mm
  • Frame: Unframed
Contemporary Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Cerulea, S Korea; Pedro. Mexico; Daniel, UK; Raul, Mexico; Leo, USA; Haven, USA; Jeanine,The Netherlands; Payal, India; Susana,Germany; Valencia, Italy; Lidia, Poland; Cesare, France; Noora, Egypt; Bijay, India; Kohei, Japan; Jey, USA; Amir, Dubai; XB, France; Charlie, USA; Tia, Italy; Noushafarin, Iran; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Lotus, UK; Johanna, Austria; Claudia, Spain; FA, Italy; Andrea, Italy; UV, USA; Alexandru, Poland; Naman, India; Anastasiya, Russia; Dana, Germany; Enola, Iceland; Rossana, Italy; Lena, Canada; Emma, UK; Adriana, USA; Justyna, Poland; Dora, Poland; Mifflin. USA; Chen, UK; Zin, Malaysia; Vara, Russia; Joshua, US; Lotus, UK; Eric, Mexico; Marlene, Spain; Anna, Russia; Robe, Italy

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