Arriving in the 21st century - Europe
oil on box canvas 300mm x 300mm Unframed, ready to hang
(This image has been used by 'sadhana' , an indian
magazine for the their issue dated April 26, 2008)
Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:
Iustina, Romania; Liviu Ghermann, Romania; Yvonne, Stacey, Canada; Deniz, Turkey; France; Jaya E, India; Ana, Ireland; Kayla, USA; Aniya, Malaysia; Sylvia, USA; AK, Germany; Simon H, USA
Iustina, Romania; Liviu Ghermann, Romania; Yvonne, Stacey, Canada; Deniz, Turkey; France; Jaya E, India; Ana, Ireland; Kayla, USA; Aniya, Malaysia; Sylvia, USA; AK, Germany; Simon H, USA
- Type: oil on box canvas
- Size: 300mm x 300mm
- Frame: Unframed, ready to hang
Political Paintings
Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:
Iustina, Romania; Liviu Ghermann, Romania; Yvonne, Stacey, Canada; Deniz, Turkey; France; Jaya E, India; Ana, Ireland; Kayla, USA; Aniya, Malaysia; Sylvia, USA; AK, Germany; Simon H, USA
Iustina, Romania; Liviu Ghermann, Romania; Yvonne, Stacey, Canada; Deniz, Turkey; France; Jaya E, India; Ana, Ireland; Kayla, USA; Aniya, Malaysia; Sylvia, USA; AK, Germany; Simon H, USA
Related Paintings (View all paintings in Political Paintings)
Arriving in the 21st century – America
Oil on Box Canvas
Size:400 mm X 500 mm
Unframed, Ready to Hang
shame an american version
Oil painting on hardboard
Size:1300mm x 690mm
45mm pine moulding painted light purple
The under-rated[s] nation-state
Oil Painting on Canvas Panel
Size:685 mm x 530 mm
Home-made, 45 mm wide pine moulding painted grey