India Votes - A five year ritual of hope for millions

Acrylic on Canvas 407 mm X 305 mm Unframed, Ready to Hang

are her dreams anywhere near realization through the ballot box?

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Monika, Macedonia; Pat, Hungary; Brandy, Jamaica; Polly, Russia; MI, Spain ; Alysia, USA; Alessandra, UK; Joe Blue, USA; LK, Turkey; JE, UK; IW, Ireland; NK, USA; RM, USA; I Sharma, India; AK, Spain; Jocelyne Rochette, Canada; AM, Mexico; Michelle Ehrman, USA; Aleru, Paraguay; Carolyn YM, USA; Svenja Jodike, Germany; Jose Grievera, Indonesia; Marlene Sackett, USA; Olia, Cyprus; Wenona Williams, USA; SG, USA; Kirk, Croatia; A Collins, USA; Elsa, Brazil; Irina, Russia; Christin, Germany; Sherie, USA; Michel, France; Rossana, Italy; Shorina, Russia; Soulena, Germany; Svetlana, Russia; Valerio, Italy; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Priyanka, India; Shirin, Iran; Johanna, Austria; Sorell, France; Katrin, Germany; Sakina, India; Micky, USA; Marga, Spain; Ampy, Chile; Georgios, Greece; Valencia, Italy; Laura, Ireland; Corrine, Portugal

Tags: art, acrylic painting, acrylic painting on canvas, traditional painting, realistic painting, political painting, social painting, conceptual painting, contemporary painting, subtext to painting, message in painting, narrative in painting, symbolic painting, painting makes a statement, journalistic painting, reportage painting, criticism in painting, window in painting, elderly woman in painting, Indian woman in painting, voter in painting, ballot in painting, light and shadow in painting

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  • Type: Acrylic on Canvas
  • Size: 407 mm X 305 mm
  • Frame: Unframed, Ready to Hang
Political Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Monika, Macedonia; Pat, Hungary; Brandy, Jamaica; Polly, Russia; MI, Spain ; Alysia, USA; Alessandra, UK; Joe Blue, USA; LK, Turkey; JE, UK; IW, Ireland; NK, USA; RM, USA; I Sharma, India; AK, Spain; Jocelyne Rochette, Canada; AM, Mexico; Michelle Ehrman, USA; Aleru, Paraguay; Carolyn YM, USA; Svenja Jodike, Germany; Jose Grievera, Indonesia; Marlene Sackett, USA; Olia, Cyprus; Wenona Williams, USA; SG, USA; Kirk, Croatia; A Collins, USA; Elsa, Brazil; Irina, Russia; Christin, Germany; Sherie, USA; Michel, France; Rossana, Italy; Shorina, Russia; Soulena, Germany; Svetlana, Russia; Valerio, Italy; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Priyanka, India; Shirin, Iran; Johanna, Austria; Sorell, France; Katrin, Germany; Sakina, India; Micky, USA; Marga, Spain; Ampy, Chile; Georgios, Greece; Valencia, Italy; Laura, Ireland; Corrine, Portugal

Tags: art, acrylic painting, acrylic painting on canvas, traditional painting, realistic painting, political painting, social painting, conceptual painting, contemporary painting, subtext to painting, message in painting, narrative in painting, symbolic painting, painting makes a statement, journalistic painting, reportage painting, criticism in painting, window in painting, elderly woman in painting, Indian woman in painting, voter in painting, ballot in painting, light and shadow in painting

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