Her son, foreign clouds

Acrylic painting on canvas 504mm x 405mm Unframed

  • Her son, foreign clouds  Acrylic painting on canvas 504mm x 405mm Unframed for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

Though the piece is quite old, relevant today for the middle-east esp the Palestine massacres in Gaza in 2023/24

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Sara, Italy; George, USA, Rebecca Lopez, USA; Roxy Elle, Romania; Fadia Mhassein, Syria; Zoeira, Germany; Siobhan, Mexico; STC, Germany; Paula, USA; Claudia, Germany; Shorina, Russia; Soulena, Germany; Omar; UK; Enrico, Spain; Gaurangini, India; Yu, Taiwan; Emi, Japan; Cerulea, S Korea; Friedrich, Germany; Leo, USA; Raoul, Mexico; Robe, Italy; Gloria, USA; Daniel, UK; Ivan, Russia; Ferro, Italy; Laura, Russia; Tom, USA; Urvashi, India; Leo, USA; Rossana, Italy; Wibke, Germany; Mohini, India; Sherie, USA; Elsa, Brazil; Cesare, France; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Swati, India; Anna, Russia; Mike, Australia, Meera, UK; Valerio, Italy; Mariola, Spain; Selen, Italy; Jena, Russia; Dana Sherie, Poland; Anastasiya, Russia; Elke, Germany; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Elsa, Brazil; Sherie, USA; Meloni, Italy; Michael, Australia; Rossana, Italy; Valerio, Italy; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Anna, Russia; Perma, Czech Republic; Mandy, USA; Anaelise, Germany; Susana, Germany; Jana, Czech Republic; Elke, Germany; Katya, Russia; Selen, Italy; Urvashi, India; Mot, Germany; Pier, Austria; Susana, Germany; Sing, Russia; Rastin, Iran; Stella, New Zealand

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  • Type: Acrylic painting on canvas
  • Size: 504mm x 405mm
  • Frame: Unframed
Political Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Sara, Italy; George, USA, Rebecca Lopez, USA; Roxy Elle, Romania; Fadia Mhassein, Syria; Zoeira, Germany; Siobhan, Mexico; STC, Germany; Paula, USA; Claudia, Germany; Shorina, Russia; Soulena, Germany; Omar; UK; Enrico, Spain; Gaurangini, India; Yu, Taiwan; Emi, Japan; Cerulea, S Korea; Friedrich, Germany; Leo, USA; Raoul, Mexico; Robe, Italy; Gloria, USA; Daniel, UK; Ivan, Russia; Ferro, Italy; Laura, Russia; Tom, USA; Urvashi, India; Leo, USA; Rossana, Italy; Wibke, Germany; Mohini, India; Sherie, USA; Elsa, Brazil; Cesare, France; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Swati, India; Anna, Russia; Mike, Australia, Meera, UK; Valerio, Italy; Mariola, Spain; Selen, Italy; Jena, Russia; Dana Sherie, Poland; Anastasiya, Russia; Elke, Germany; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Elsa, Brazil; Sherie, USA; Meloni, Italy; Michael, Australia; Rossana, Italy; Valerio, Italy; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Anna, Russia; Perma, Czech Republic; Mandy, USA; Anaelise, Germany; Susana, Germany; Jana, Czech Republic; Elke, Germany; Katya, Russia; Selen, Italy; Urvashi, India; Mot, Germany; Pier, Austria; Susana, Germany; Sing, Russia; Rastin, Iran; Stella, New Zealand

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