business as usual-palestine

oil on box canvas 400mm X 300mm Unframed

  • business as usual-palestine  oil on box canvas 400mm X 300mm Unframed for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

Coloured rendition of a black and white photo in The International Herald Tribune - Sept 15,2009. My addition is only one detail, which may be obvious. The text under the photo reads -
A jewish settler throwing wine at a Palestinian woman in Hebron, a West Bank city that is a flash point in ongoing tension between hard-line settlers and Palestinians.

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Liviu Gherman, Romania; Alex Rayman, Sweden; Nicola, Italy; Alice, UK; Katy, UK; Jacob Bryner, USA; Adam, UK; Afra, United Arab Emirates; Younes Lariani, Saudi Arabia; Laura, Italy; Sigied Himawan Yudhanto; Edward, Italy; Anas B, Syria; Ahmed, Egypt; Bilkis, Turkey; Carlos Latuff, Brazil; Sarah, Argntina; Masouma, Kuwait; Waelter, Germany; Hamid, Iraq; Dari from Nepal in The Netherlands; Justyna, Poland; Shiny, UK; Mumu, Turkiye; Deniz, Egypt; Nicola, Italy; Enver, Egypt; Liviu, Romania; Michael, UK; Paula, USA; Simon, Ireland; Roberto, Italy; Ray, USA; Mina, UAE; Bianca, UK; Cesare, France; Swati, India; Soulena, Germany; Albert, New Zealand; Valerio, Italy; Urvashi, India; Anna, Russia; Leo, USA; Gina, Italy; Ann, Malaysia; Raoul, Mexico; Michael, Australia; Gauringini, India; Daniel, UK; Jana, Czech Republic; Sabo, Germany; Sherie, USA; Noora, Egypt; Anastasiya, Russia; Dana, Poland; HSR, USA; Sterenn B, France; Susana, Germany; Shawn, USA; Sing, Russia; Rastin, Iran

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  • Type: oil on box canvas
  • Size: 400mm X 300mm
  • Frame: Unframed
Political Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Liviu Gherman, Romania; Alex Rayman, Sweden; Nicola, Italy; Alice, UK; Katy, UK; Jacob Bryner, USA; Adam, UK; Afra, United Arab Emirates; Younes Lariani, Saudi Arabia; Laura, Italy; Sigied Himawan Yudhanto; Edward, Italy; Anas B, Syria; Ahmed, Egypt; Bilkis, Turkey; Carlos Latuff, Brazil; Sarah, Argntina; Masouma, Kuwait; Waelter, Germany; Hamid, Iraq; Dari from Nepal in The Netherlands; Justyna, Poland; Shiny, UK; Mumu, Turkiye; Deniz, Egypt; Nicola, Italy; Enver, Egypt; Liviu, Romania; Michael, UK; Paula, USA; Simon, Ireland; Roberto, Italy; Ray, USA; Mina, UAE; Bianca, UK; Cesare, France; Swati, India; Soulena, Germany; Albert, New Zealand; Valerio, Italy; Urvashi, India; Anna, Russia; Leo, USA; Gina, Italy; Ann, Malaysia; Raoul, Mexico; Michael, Australia; Gauringini, India; Daniel, UK; Jana, Czech Republic; Sabo, Germany; Sherie, USA; Noora, Egypt; Anastasiya, Russia; Dana, Poland; HSR, USA; Sterenn B, France; Susana, Germany; Shawn, USA; Sing, Russia; Rastin, Iran

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