ivory tower

oil on box canvas [ready to hang] 230mm X 690mm Unframed

  • ivory tower  oil on box canvas [ready to hang] 230mm X 690mm Unframed for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

This image has been used by 'andolan' - National Alliance of People's Movements' Magazine, India for their

special issue - October - November 2008

She watches the plebeians below.

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Eliza, Greece; Ayesha Nasir, Pakistan; Liviu Gherman, Romania; Deniz, Turkey; Stacey, Canada; Betty Crawford, Canada; Alan, UK; Sylvia, US; Jacob Wayne Bryner, USA; Marta, Italy; Meral, Turkey; Roxy Elle, Romania; JD, USA; Alice, USA; Andrew, USA; C Star, USA; C Stokley, Canada; Lotus, UK; Noushafarin, Iran; Anna D, Russia; Valerio, Italy; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Anastasia, Russia, Bijay, India; Noora, Egypt; Kazunari, Japan; Yohi, Russia; Zataom, Hungary; Sunoshka, Russia; Iskander, Iran; Ayla, UK; TA, India; Alissa, Germany; Brent, USA ; Kathy, Germany; Sherie, USA; Elsa, Brazil; Chen, UK; Shorina. Russia; Alpha, USA; Elke A, Germany; Susana, Germany; Mariola, Spain; Swati, India; Ulku, Turkey; FG, India; Johnny, Serbia; Juan, Spain; Susanne, Germany; CSA, Spain; Rossana, Italy; Ayrus, India; Rijal, Lebanon
Dani K    Italy

she emerges as a protected and inaccessible deity. The other men below her are anonymous and seem to plead with her. But she seems indifferent and alienated. The small cloud that surrounds her head makes her "godlike" like a halo. But it is a cloud symbol of melancholy that recalls the transience of things. The color combination is very beautiful and interesting. The woman's dress is blue (relaxing) as blue is the color of the men below, the whole is embraced by a menacing sky....beautiful and deep painting.

Katie Fairbank-Haynes    USA

this expresses its message perfectly without question. I like it.


I love the blue men. I can't stop looking at them for some reason…

Juliette Carron    USA

Intrigueing piece. It could mean so many things... I think your blues and reds add drama.

Dawn Murphy    Canada

This piece is so open to subjective interpretation!
Personally, I feel connected to the figure at the top of the tower... sought after, almost deified, worshipped, demanded of--but very isolated and alone.
The composition is very striking, as well, giving a mood through color and line, which you are so good at.
Or, perhaps the 2-dimensional figures represent the mundane in society who are searching for real life, represented by the female figure. However, there is a tall barricade protecting them from this life, put there by 'the establishments' and it is shown to be lonely, and unattainable.
Or perhaps the female figure represents art, placed on a pedestal for the 2-dimensional, monochromatic people to view from a distance, protected with barricades and security, in order that it not be truly appreciated and experienced by the common person...
I really love it!

Ph    Croatia

yeah, its message is clear. or is it?

awesome colour scheme with the sky, very pastel-like, but I think that that the composition is a bit unbalanced.. maybe it's just me

I'm out of constructive criticism...but, it allows different interpretations. the first thing that comes to mind would be people reaching for something they can never attain, be it some kind of meaning or solace, understanding of the life.

on a personal level, I feel like i can relate to the woman at the top because of my current situation in which I am pursued by some very low individuals with their inane ideas. very mundane, I'm'fraid.

Elise Buck    USA

asking for the moon is one of my favourites of your work...it's a great piece.
and I definitely see it in this one.
Love the fence with the spears pointing up. Great symbolism here. I've been told that us college types are living in an ivory tower...always loved the expression. and this painting illustrates it well.
nice work!

Felicia    Germany

To me an ivory tower represents something beautiful (it reminds me of the Neverending story)
but this concept seems like a attack on religion, showing that praying doesn't really help the poor people..
well that's what I thought..
Good work!

Gloria    USA

I wanted to wait to see what you & other people had to say about this piece before I commented & even though I have read them I come up with the same impression.
This is Disney...a fairy tale about a young woman who wanted to be loved by a hero ( a man above all the others) so set herself up to be sought after & waited around for those men who were beneath there to make themselves strong & rise up to her level (of stasis, beauty, success etc ) & be worthy of her & her love.
But for whatever reason none did.
Maybe they wanted someone a little more low maintenance that wouldn't make them feel insecure .
She will have a very long lonely wait at the top...

Katerina    Russia

This reminds me one russian cartoon about little boy with wings: he wants to fly but his teachers "kill" his by their prohibitions... It's difficult to be not like everyone. This is my strange assotiations with this painting.

Adam Webb    USA

This has so many meanings, I'm in academia now and I know what this means to me ... nice work on it

Michael    USA

Hey, this is very nice, but I was expecting to see George W. Bush at the top!


I like it

Katie Fairbank-Haynes    USA

this expresses its message perfectly without question. I like it.


I love the blue men. I can't stop looking at them for some reason…

Juliette Carron    USA

Intrigueing piece. It could mean so many things... I think your blues and reds add drama.

Dawn Murphy    Canada

This piece is so open to subjective interpretation!
Personally, I feel connected to the figure at the top of the tower... sought after, almost deified, worshipped, demanded of--but very isolated and alone.
The composition is very striking, as well, giving a mood through color and line, which you are so good at.
Or, perhaps the 2-dimensional figures represent the mundane in society who are searching for real life, represented by the female figure. However, there is a tall barricade protecting them from this life, put there by 'the establishments' and it is shown to be lonely, and unattainable.
Or perhaps the female figure represents art, placed on a pedestal for the 2-dimensional, monochromatic people to view from a distance, protected with barricades and security, in order that it not be truly appreciated and experienced by the common person...
I really love it!

Ph    Croatia

yeah, its message is clear. or is it?

awesome colour scheme with the sky, very pastel-like, but I think that that the composition is a bit unbalanced.. maybe it's just me

I'm out of constructive criticism...but, it allows different interpretations. the first thing that comes to mind would be people reaching for something they can never attain, be it some kind of meaning or solace, understanding of the life.

on a personal level, I feel like i can relate to the woman at the top because of my current situation in which I am pursued by some very low individuals with their inane ideas. very mundane, I'm'fraid.

Elise Buck    USA

asking for the moon is one of my favourites of your work...it's a great piece.
and I definitely see it in this one.
Love the fence with the spears pointing up. Great symbolism here. I've been told that us college types are living in an ivory tower...always loved the expression. and this painting illustrates it well.
nice work!

Felicia    Germany

To me an ivory tower represents something beautiful (it reminds me of the Neverending story)
but this concept seems like a attack on religion, showing that praying doesn't really help the poor people..
well that's what I thought..
Good work!

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  • Type: oil on box canvas [ready to hang]
  • Size: 230mm X 690mm
  • Frame: Unframed
Musings Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Eliza, Greece; Ayesha Nasir, Pakistan; Liviu Gherman, Romania; Deniz, Turkey; Stacey, Canada; Betty Crawford, Canada; Alan, UK; Sylvia, US; Jacob Wayne Bryner, USA; Marta, Italy; Meral, Turkey; Roxy Elle, Romania; JD, USA; Alice, USA; Andrew, USA; C Star, USA; C Stokley, Canada; Lotus, UK; Noushafarin, Iran; Anna D, Russia; Valerio, Italy; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Anastasia, Russia, Bijay, India; Noora, Egypt; Kazunari, Japan; Yohi, Russia; Zataom, Hungary; Sunoshka, Russia; Iskander, Iran; Ayla, UK; TA, India; Alissa, Germany; Brent, USA ; Kathy, Germany; Sherie, USA; Elsa, Brazil; Chen, UK; Shorina. Russia; Alpha, USA; Elke A, Germany; Susana, Germany; Mariola, Spain; Swati, India; Ulku, Turkey; FG, India; Johnny, Serbia; Juan, Spain; Susanne, Germany; CSA, Spain; Rossana, Italy; Ayrus, India; Rijal, Lebanon

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