mainstream development

Oil on Box Canvas 800 mm x 1000 mm Unframed, Ready to Hang

Full Title : an interpretation of mainstream development

in Hindi - जल, जंगल, जमीन (jal, jungle, jameen)

Explanation : mainstream development means -

basically a belief that economic progress will better the lot of humanity. This progress can come about only through large scale industrialisation, building of huge dams, oil extraction, mining, atomic power stations, etc. This is the western model of development adopted by many countries in the third world including China, India and Brazil.

It is observed though that besides the destruction of nature and climate, huge scale displacement of indigenous peoples takes place. Their survival systems are finished by multinationals or their native agent companies.

In India there are estimated to be 150-200 million either displaced or adversely affected due to this model of development. They come to cities for livelihood, have no skills and end up as half-starving labour in slums.

Gandhi offered an alternative - keep village self-sufficient and eco-friendly.

Today’s proponents of such alternative development tend however to romanticise the traditional way of life.

The painting attempts to address these issues.

This image has been used by 'andolan' - National Alliance of People's Movements' Magazine, India for their special issue - January-February 2013


Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Sara, Italy; Bryce Bolder, USA; Meral Sarioglu, Turkey;Fiona, USA; Joanne, Canada; Ralph, USA; Marta, Italy; Lauren, USA; HKF, S Korea; Kitty, UK; Ari, USA; Erik, Germany; Lin, China; Lynn M, USA; Mari, Poland; Anita D, Austria; Soiman, Hungary; Isabella M, Chile; Jennifer W, UK; Mike, USA; Lynus, Italy; Vara, Russia; Bo, Japan; Lucia, Italy; WF, France; Emily, USA; Eben, Canada; Mike, USA; Malena M, USA , Tsu, USA; Daigo, Mexico; EW, Germany; Karin, Romania; Paulina W, Poland; Zaly, Czech Republic; Valentina, Poland: Kat, USA; Melani Z, USA; Naveen O, USA; Pepe, Spain;T Wood, UK; Enola, Iceland

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, realistic painting, narrative in painting, social painting, contemporary painting, shopping in painting, women in painting

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  • Type: Oil on Box Canvas
  • Size: 800 mm x 1000 mm
  • Frame: Unframed, Ready to Hang
Social Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Sara, Italy; Bryce Bolder, USA; Meral Sarioglu, Turkey;Fiona, USA; Joanne, Canada; Ralph, USA; Marta, Italy; Lauren, USA; HKF, S Korea; Kitty, UK; Ari, USA; Erik, Germany; Lin, China; Lynn M, USA; Mari, Poland; Anita D, Austria; Soiman, Hungary; Isabella M, Chile; Jennifer W, UK; Mike, USA; Lynus, Italy; Vara, Russia; Bo, Japan; Lucia, Italy; WF, France; Emily, USA; Eben, Canada; Mike, USA; Malena M, USA , Tsu, USA; Daigo, Mexico; EW, Germany; Karin, Romania; Paulina W, Poland; Zaly, Czech Republic; Valentina, Poland: Kat, USA; Melani Z, USA; Naveen O, USA; Pepe, Spain;T Wood, UK; Enola, Iceland

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, realistic painting, narrative in painting, social painting, contemporary painting, shopping in painting, women in painting

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