Acrylic painting on canvas 405mm x 510mm Unframed
Some are born adrift
Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:
Irene, France; Vanessa, USA; Roxy Elle, Romania; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Swati, India; Valerio, Italy; Daniella, Germany; Shorina, Italy; Mohini, India; Michael, Australia; Anna D, Russia; Urvashi, India; Susana, Germany; Sheri Dana, Poland; Anastasiya, Russia; Cesare, France; Elke, Germany; GTS, USA; Banguero, Colombia; Park, The Philippines; Raoul, Mexico; Roberto, Italy; Maurice, USA; Frederik, Germany Cain, France; Winfrith, USA; D Hudson, UK; Romano, Italy; Tavo, Norway; Ann, Malaysia; Emi, Japan; SA, UK; HSR, USA; Soulena, Germany; Sing, Russia; Shawn, USA; Rastin, Iran; Stella, New Zealand
Irene, France; Vanessa, USA; Roxy Elle, Romania; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Swati, India; Valerio, Italy; Daniella, Germany; Shorina, Italy; Mohini, India; Michael, Australia; Anna D, Russia; Urvashi, India; Susana, Germany; Sheri Dana, Poland; Anastasiya, Russia; Cesare, France; Elke, Germany; GTS, USA; Banguero, Colombia; Park, The Philippines; Raoul, Mexico; Roberto, Italy; Maurice, USA; Frederik, Germany Cain, France; Winfrith, USA; D Hudson, UK; Romano, Italy; Tavo, Norway; Ann, Malaysia; Emi, Japan; SA, UK; HSR, USA; Soulena, Germany; Sing, Russia; Shawn, USA; Rastin, Iran; Stella, New Zealand
Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:
Irene, France; Vanessa, USA; Roxy Elle, Romania; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Swati, India; Valerio, Italy; Daniella, Germany; Shorina, Italy; Mohini, India; Michael, Australia; Anna D, Russia; Urvashi, India; Susana, Germany; Sheri Dana, Poland; Anastasiya, Russia; Cesare, France; Elke, Germany; GTS, USA; Banguero, Colombia; Park, The Philippines; Raoul, Mexico; Roberto, Italy; Maurice, USA; Frederik, Germany Cain, France; Winfrith, USA; D Hudson, UK; Romano, Italy; Tavo, Norway; Ann, Malaysia; Emi, Japan; SA, UK; HSR, USA; Soulena, Germany; Sing, Russia; Shawn, USA; Rastin, Iran; Stella, New Zealand
Irene, France; Vanessa, USA; Roxy Elle, Romania; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Swati, India; Valerio, Italy; Daniella, Germany; Shorina, Italy; Mohini, India; Michael, Australia; Anna D, Russia; Urvashi, India; Susana, Germany; Sheri Dana, Poland; Anastasiya, Russia; Cesare, France; Elke, Germany; GTS, USA; Banguero, Colombia; Park, The Philippines; Raoul, Mexico; Roberto, Italy; Maurice, USA; Frederik, Germany Cain, France; Winfrith, USA; D Hudson, UK; Romano, Italy; Tavo, Norway; Ann, Malaysia; Emi, Japan; SA, UK; HSR, USA; Soulena, Germany; Sing, Russia; Shawn, USA; Rastin, Iran; Stella, New Zealand
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the sky, the earth, the esoteric
Acrylic painting on canvas
Size:305mm x 405mm
Unframed, ready to hang