parrots and women

Oil on box Canvas 500 mm X 500 mm Unframed, Ready to Hang

  • parrots and women  Oil on box Canvas 500 mm X 500 mm Unframed, Ready to Hang for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

a try at absurd

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Anastasiya, Russia; Elke, Germany; Cesare, France; Urvashi, India; Vladimir, Russia; Noora, Egypt; Valerio, Italy; Mohini, India; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Bijay, India; YE, USA; Katya, Russia; Gina, Italy; Cerulea, S Korea; Raoul, Mexico; Menaka, India; Selen, Italy; Lara, Brazil; Nora, USA; Jena, Canada; Rossana, Italy; Christin, Germany; Sirena, Italy; Lexie, USA; Richard, UK; Yvonne, France; Daniel H, UK; HRS, USA; Kik, Poland; Peter, Czech Republic; Sherie, USA; Debbie, UK; Kylie, Canada; Kevin, Ireland; Shawn, USA; Payal, India; Stacey, USA; Roline, France; Gluck, Germany; Athena, Germany; Ivan, Russia; Roberto, Italy; SA, UK

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  • Type: Oil on box Canvas
  • Size: 500 mm X 500 mm
  • Frame: Unframed, Ready to Hang
Musings Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Anastasiya, Russia; Elke, Germany; Cesare, France; Urvashi, India; Vladimir, Russia; Noora, Egypt; Valerio, Italy; Mohini, India; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Bijay, India; YE, USA; Katya, Russia; Gina, Italy; Cerulea, S Korea; Raoul, Mexico; Menaka, India; Selen, Italy; Lara, Brazil; Nora, USA; Jena, Canada; Rossana, Italy; Christin, Germany; Sirena, Italy; Lexie, USA; Richard, UK; Yvonne, France; Daniel H, UK; HRS, USA; Kik, Poland; Peter, Czech Republic; Sherie, USA; Debbie, UK; Kylie, Canada; Kevin, Ireland; Shawn, USA; Payal, India; Stacey, USA; Roline, France; Gluck, Germany; Athena, Germany; Ivan, Russia; Roberto, Italy; SA, UK

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