
Acrylic painting on canvas 302mm X 254mm Unframed

  • equanimity  Acrylic painting on canvas 302mm X 254mm Unframed for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

Based on an Indian theme.
One of the - or THE- most important Hindu spiritual text - Bhagavad-Gita advocates equanimity. That one should treat both pain and pleasure without getting involved. Detachment or equanimity is the way to go through life.
Story goes that God narrated and 'revealed' this doctrine on an epic battlefield to a prince-warrior who wanted to renounce the world rather than go through the war.....
The original title of this piece derives from the God's advice as above.

This image has been used by a regional Indian monthly - miloon saryajani - for the coverpage - December 2012

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Irene, France; Betty Crawford, Canada; Sylvia, USA; Megan, UK; Fiona, USA; Roxy Elle, Romania; VV, India; Maria N, The Netherlands; Sherie, USA; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Noushafarin, Iran; Rossana, Italy; Shorina, Russia; Michael, USA; Sabo, Germany; Yuichi, Japan; Swati, India; Chen, UK; Enea, Japan; Payal, India; Kunn, Germany; Jimmy, Australia; Adrien, Canada; Alpha, USA; Kazunari, Japan; Lisa, USA; Kathy, Germany; Elsa, Brazil; Bijay, India; Aster, Greece; George, Ireland; CJ, USA; SNL, Canada; Christin, Germany; VK, Germany; Vered, USA; Geraldine Lenogue, France; Shirin, Iran; Stella, New Zealand

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  • Type: Acrylic painting on canvas
  • Size: 302mm X 254mm
  • Frame: Unframed
Musings Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Irene, France; Betty Crawford, Canada; Sylvia, USA; Megan, UK; Fiona, USA; Roxy Elle, Romania; VV, India; Maria N, The Netherlands; Sherie, USA; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Noushafarin, Iran; Rossana, Italy; Shorina, Russia; Michael, USA; Sabo, Germany; Yuichi, Japan; Swati, India; Chen, UK; Enea, Japan; Payal, India; Kunn, Germany; Jimmy, Australia; Adrien, Canada; Alpha, USA; Kazunari, Japan; Lisa, USA; Kathy, Germany; Elsa, Brazil; Bijay, India; Aster, Greece; George, Ireland; CJ, USA; SNL, Canada; Christin, Germany; VK, Germany; Vered, USA; Geraldine Lenogue, France; Shirin, Iran; Stella, New Zealand

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