
oil on box canvas 455mm X 355mm Unframed, ready to hang

  • siesta  oil on box canvas 455mm X 355mm Unframed, ready to hang for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Evgenia Samsonova, UAE; J Palumbo Jr, USA; Pasztor Daniel, Hungary; Tatiana, USA; Pilar Daz, Spain; Victoria Winters, USA; Sven Berg, Sweden; Stephen Huczeck, USA; Bahadir Kaan, Turkey; Hannah Leigh, USA; Michelle, USA; Nikki, Canada; Jacob Wyne Bryner, USA; Marta Raff, Italy; Miliana, USA; Ashley, USA; Deniz, Turkey; Lisa Pennant, USA; Yasmin, Jordan; Jhona Rica Babista, The Philippines; Basil Chatelain, Switzerland; Isaac Mexico; Justyna, Poland; Dana, Poland; Mohini, India; Michel, France; Anastasiya, Russia; Michael, Australia; Selen, Italy; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Cesare, France; Meghana, India; Kathy, Germany; Noora, Egypt; Swasti, India; Bijay, India; Alinda, USA; Shilpa, India; Alice, USA; Soulena, Germany; Mira, Poland; Alan, UK; LL, Russia; Shorina, Russia; Claudia, Germany

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  • Type: oil on box canvas
  • Size: 455mm X 355mm
  • Frame: Unframed, ready to hang
Modern Art Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Evgenia Samsonova, UAE; J Palumbo Jr, USA; Pasztor Daniel, Hungary; Tatiana, USA; Pilar Daz, Spain; Victoria Winters, USA; Sven Berg, Sweden; Stephen Huczeck, USA; Bahadir Kaan, Turkey; Hannah Leigh, USA; Michelle, USA; Nikki, Canada; Jacob Wyne Bryner, USA; Marta Raff, Italy; Miliana, USA; Ashley, USA; Deniz, Turkey; Lisa Pennant, USA; Yasmin, Jordan; Jhona Rica Babista, The Philippines; Basil Chatelain, Switzerland; Isaac Mexico; Justyna, Poland; Dana, Poland; Mohini, India; Michel, France; Anastasiya, Russia; Michael, Australia; Selen, Italy; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Cesare, France; Meghana, India; Kathy, Germany; Noora, Egypt; Swasti, India; Bijay, India; Alinda, USA; Shilpa, India; Alice, USA; Soulena, Germany; Mira, Poland; Alan, UK; LL, Russia; Shorina, Russia; Claudia, Germany

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