the accordion player

Oil on Box Canvas 610 mm X 510 mm Unframed, Ready to Hang

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Frederick, Germany; Stefano Barni, Italy; ER, France; BV, USA; CN, Canada; CD, Australia; Mercel, Poland; Liviu Gherman, Romania; CBO, Romania; FFG, USA; Ron Ray, USA; Fe, USA; Ariel Scott, USA; Gina Meadows, USA; Marta, Italy; Carolyn M, USA; Nicholas Weed, USA; Vanessa, USA; HKF, Korea; Cameron Grass, USA; Theressa, Ukraine; Stan, USA; Vlad Torres F, Mexico; Maxim Ciuperca, Moldova; SC, USA; Lucia, Italy; A Collins, USA; Nicolas Visceglio, Argentina; Pell, USA; Pell P, USA; Enola, Iceland

Tags: practice art

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  • Type: Oil on Box Canvas
  • Size: 610 mm X 510 mm
  • Frame: Unframed, Ready to Hang
Portrait Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Frederick, Germany; Stefano Barni, Italy; ER, France; BV, USA; CN, Canada; CD, Australia; Mercel, Poland; Liviu Gherman, Romania; CBO, Romania; FFG, USA; Ron Ray, USA; Fe, USA; Ariel Scott, USA; Gina Meadows, USA; Marta, Italy; Carolyn M, USA; Nicholas Weed, USA; Vanessa, USA; HKF, Korea; Cameron Grass, USA; Theressa, Ukraine; Stan, USA; Vlad Torres F, Mexico; Maxim Ciuperca, Moldova; SC, USA; Lucia, Italy; A Collins, USA; Nicolas Visceglio, Argentina; Pell, USA; Pell P, USA; Enola, Iceland

Tags: practice art

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