The displaced

oil on canvas 500mm x 400mm Unframed

  • The displaced  oil on canvas 500mm x 400mm Unframed for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

Human construction of dams and buildings have displaced the wailing bird

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Diana, Russia; Hanna, USA; Dennis, Germany; Dave, USA; Meral Sarioglu, Turkey; Jenna, USA; Wit, Norway; Joe, USA; Anmini, Sweden; Ralph, USA; Yolte, Cyprus; Basile Chatelain, Switzerland; MNC, USA; MC, USA; Scarlett, New Zealand; Lana, Serbia; Dave, USA; Alyssia,Germany; Eve, UK; Olga, Italy; Betsy, USA; Daniella, Austria; Eben, Canada; W Morgan, USA; Robbe D, Belgium; EW, Germany; WS Dunn, USA; Mike T, USA; Klaudia, Poland; Lynus, Italy; Michaela I, Russia; Lucy, USA; Georgia T, Australia; K Quinn, Australia; Lucia, Italy; Vara, Russia; Lynus, Portugal; Samantha, USA; Selinka, Germany; Candice L, Czech Republic; Lucia, Italy; Lynn Kaufmann, USA; Jason, UK; Lynn Morris; Jean- Francois B, France; Milan, Czech Republic; Lech, Poland

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  • Type: oil on canvas
  • Size: 500mm x 400mm
  • Frame: Unframed
Social Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Diana, Russia; Hanna, USA; Dennis, Germany; Dave, USA; Meral Sarioglu, Turkey; Jenna, USA; Wit, Norway; Joe, USA; Anmini, Sweden; Ralph, USA; Yolte, Cyprus; Basile Chatelain, Switzerland; MNC, USA; MC, USA; Scarlett, New Zealand; Lana, Serbia; Dave, USA; Alyssia,Germany; Eve, UK; Olga, Italy; Betsy, USA; Daniella, Austria; Eben, Canada; W Morgan, USA; Robbe D, Belgium; EW, Germany; WS Dunn, USA; Mike T, USA; Klaudia, Poland; Lynus, Italy; Michaela I, Russia; Lucy, USA; Georgia T, Australia; K Quinn, Australia; Lucia, Italy; Vara, Russia; Lynus, Portugal; Samantha, USA; Selinka, Germany; Candice L, Czech Republic; Lucia, Italy; Lynn Kaufmann, USA; Jason, UK; Lynn Morris; Jean- Francois B, France; Milan, Czech Republic; Lech, Poland

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