The flock

oil on canvas 405mm x 305mm Unframed

  • The flock   oil on canvas 405mm x 305mm Unframed for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

a staff keeps the herd under control

This image has been used by 'andolan' - National Alliance of People's Movements' Magazine, India for their
special issue - October - November 2008

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Scott Paul Dillahunt, USA, Richard Cornrike, USA; Patrick Star, The Philippines; Joseph, Canada; Alan, UK; Dia, Mexico; Jay, Canada; Liviu Gherman, Romania; Fern, New Zealand; Alina, Romania; Carolyn YM, USA; Roxy Elle, Romania; SG, Romania; Jean, France; Shirin, Iran; Enea, Japan; Chris Hunt, UK; Dhiraj, India; Valerio, Italy; Justyna, Russia; Sherie, USA; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Rossana, Italy; Juan, France; Athisaya, India; Valencia, Ita;ly; Lotus, UK; Purnima, India; Den, Canada; Yaniv, Israel; Susana, Germany; Fabio, Italy

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  • Type: oil on canvas
  • Size: 405mm x 305mm
  • Frame: Unframed
Social Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Scott Paul Dillahunt, USA, Richard Cornrike, USA; Patrick Star, The Philippines; Joseph, Canada; Alan, UK; Dia, Mexico; Jay, Canada; Liviu Gherman, Romania; Fern, New Zealand; Alina, Romania; Carolyn YM, USA; Roxy Elle, Romania; SG, Romania; Jean, France; Shirin, Iran; Enea, Japan; Chris Hunt, UK; Dhiraj, India; Valerio, Italy; Justyna, Russia; Sherie, USA; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Rossana, Italy; Juan, France; Athisaya, India; Valencia, Ita;ly; Lotus, UK; Purnima, India; Den, Canada; Yaniv, Israel; Susana, Germany; Fabio, Italy

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