Civil Society Welcomes Immigrants

oil on canvas 600mm x 495mm 35mm Pine moulding painted lemon yellow

  • Civil Society Welcomes Immigrants  oil on canvas 600mm x 495mm 35mm Pine moulding painted lemon yellow for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

Pairs of predators and potential victims like wolves and hare ; crocodiles and impala, jaguars and zebra...
Flags of developed nations on predators' turf.

This image has been used by the National Alliance People's Movement's Magazine,
India for their special issue - October - November 2006

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Cherilyn Ohlau, USA; Stacey, Canada; Angela, S Korea; Emma Marvil, France; Christin Zimmermann, Germany; Alpha, Italy; Kristine, USA; Johanna, Austria; Karineh, USA; Rossana, Italy; Lotus, UK; Valerio, Italy; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Enea, Japan; Yomtubi, USA; Kazunari, Japan; Amir, Ukraine; Moreko, Japan; Sherie, USA; Jean, France; Giuseppina, Italy; Martin, Ireland; Aalin, Egypt; Steven, Germany; Babi, S Korea; Shirin, Iran; Tina, USA; Margo, Ukraine; Yohi, Sweden; Danny, USA; Vanessa, Iran; DMP, UK; Marco, Italy; Susana, Germany; Shreya, India

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  • Type: oil on canvas
  • Size: 600mm x 495mm
  • Frame: 35mm Pine moulding painted lemon yellow
Social Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Cherilyn Ohlau, USA; Stacey, Canada; Angela, S Korea; Emma Marvil, France; Christin Zimmermann, Germany; Alpha, Italy; Kristine, USA; Johanna, Austria; Karineh, USA; Rossana, Italy; Lotus, UK; Valerio, Italy; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Enea, Japan; Yomtubi, USA; Kazunari, Japan; Amir, Ukraine; Moreko, Japan; Sherie, USA; Jean, France; Giuseppina, Italy; Martin, Ireland; Aalin, Egypt; Steven, Germany; Babi, S Korea; Shirin, Iran; Tina, USA; Margo, Ukraine; Yohi, Sweden; Danny, USA; Vanessa, Iran; DMP, UK; Marco, Italy; Susana, Germany; Shreya, India

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