the gamblers

Oil on Oil Paper 421 mm X 297 mm Unframed

  • the gamblers  Oil on Oil Paper   421 mm X 297 mm Unframed for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

They have been there since the pyramid times

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Brandy, Jamaica; Maria H, Czech Republic; Wren, Canada; Nanette, France, Liviu Gherman, Romania; Louise, Germany; Angie Hills, USA; Carolyn YM, Maya, Germany; C Brzydki, USA; Wenona Williams, USA; Vanessa, USA; HKF, Korea; BTA, Canada; Sherie, USA; Mona, Iran, Thomas C, UK; Chen, UK; Sherie, USA; Irina, Russia; Valerio, Italy; Anastasiya, Russia; Elke, Germany; Renkli, Turkiye; Meera, UK; Shirin, Iran; Nisha, India; Katrin, Germany; Thomas, UK; Kazunari, Japan; Yagmur, Turkiye; Ansh, India; Georgia, Italy, Consueleorana, Spain; R Bordoni, Italy; Paula, USA; Ela, France; Alexander, Czech Republic; Eva, Russia; Vipin, India; Ester, Canada; Jehan, Egypt; Zoya, Hungary; Asukhanova, Russia; Nadejda, Ukraine; Erkan, Turkiye; Debpriyo, India; Silvo, Italy; Ronnie L, Israel Ronnie L, Israel

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on paper, traditional painting, conceptual painting, realistic painting, surreal painting, symbolic painting, narrative in painting, subtext to painting, message in painting, topical painting, social painting, political painting, contemporary painting, painting makes a statement, people in painting, women in painting, elderly women in painting, card-game in painting, pyramids in painting, light-and-shadow in painting

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  • Type: Oil on Oil Paper
  • Size: 421 mm X 297 mm
  • Frame: Unframed
Social Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Brandy, Jamaica; Maria H, Czech Republic; Wren, Canada; Nanette, France, Liviu Gherman, Romania; Louise, Germany; Angie Hills, USA; Carolyn YM, Maya, Germany; C Brzydki, USA; Wenona Williams, USA; Vanessa, USA; HKF, Korea; BTA, Canada; Sherie, USA; Mona, Iran, Thomas C, UK; Chen, UK; Sherie, USA; Irina, Russia; Valerio, Italy; Anastasiya, Russia; Elke, Germany; Renkli, Turkiye; Meera, UK; Shirin, Iran; Nisha, India; Katrin, Germany; Thomas, UK; Kazunari, Japan; Yagmur, Turkiye; Ansh, India; Georgia, Italy, Consueleorana, Spain; R Bordoni, Italy; Paula, USA; Ela, France; Alexander, Czech Republic; Eva, Russia; Vipin, India; Ester, Canada; Jehan, Egypt; Zoya, Hungary; Asukhanova, Russia; Nadejda, Ukraine; Erkan, Turkiye; Debpriyo, India; Silvo, Italy; Ronnie L, Israel Ronnie L, Israel

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on paper, traditional painting, conceptual painting, realistic painting, surreal painting, symbolic painting, narrative in painting, subtext to painting, message in painting, topical painting, social painting, political painting, contemporary painting, painting makes a statement, people in painting, women in painting, elderly women in painting, card-game in painting, pyramids in painting, light-and-shadow in painting

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