the vacant generation

Oil on Box Canvas 300 mm X 250 mm Unframed, Ready to Hang for Sale

The world passes by in all its splendour and colours. The child is engrossed with the gadget.

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

RD, India; AG, India; AK, USA; SP, UK; Valerie, France; Monica, France; Sergeant Davon, UK; GCE, Australia; Lucy, USA; Bab, Poland; Vianto, Spain; Emi, Japan; HS, USA; Dora, Poland; G Kovalewski, Poland; BR, Sweden; EW, Germany; Miller, USA; John, UK; Daniel Hudson, UK; Kate, Malaysia; Dennis, Germany; Kim, S Korea; Wibke, Germany; CS, USA; Bo, Japan; Diana, Russia; Pablo, Mexico; Ruby, USA; Aaron, USA; Kieran, USA; Asukhanova, Russia; M Amaris, USA, FK, Russia; Kasia, Poland; Enola, Iceland; Finrod, USA; AP Gyo, Japan

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, realistic painting, symbolic painting, surreal painting, narrative in the painting, subtext in the painting, consumerism in the painting, social painting, imaginary painting, fantasy in painting, contemporary painting, topical painting, painting makes a statement, meaninglessness in painting, emptiness in painting, senselessness in painting, ennui in painting, young generation in painting, child in the painting, child on gadget in the painting, people in the painting, exotic plants in the painting, birds in the painting, fish in the painting, water in the painting

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  • Type: Oil on Box Canvas
  • Size: 300 mm X 250 mm
  • Frame: Unframed, Ready to Hang
  • Availability:In Stock
Contemporary Paintings

  • For More Information / Enquiry Whatsapp: 9370285986

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

RD, India; AG, India; AK, USA; SP, UK; Valerie, France; Monica, France; Sergeant Davon, UK; GCE, Australia; Lucy, USA; Bab, Poland; Vianto, Spain; Emi, Japan; HS, USA; Dora, Poland; G Kovalewski, Poland; BR, Sweden; EW, Germany; Miller, USA; John, UK; Daniel Hudson, UK; Kate, Malaysia; Dennis, Germany; Kim, S Korea; Wibke, Germany; CS, USA; Bo, Japan; Diana, Russia; Pablo, Mexico; Ruby, USA; Aaron, USA; Kieran, USA; Asukhanova, Russia; M Amaris, USA, FK, Russia; Kasia, Poland; Enola, Iceland; Finrod, USA; AP Gyo, Japan

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, realistic painting, symbolic painting, surreal painting, narrative in the painting, subtext in the painting, consumerism in the painting, social painting, imaginary painting, fantasy in painting, contemporary painting, topical painting, painting makes a statement, meaninglessness in painting, emptiness in painting, senselessness in painting, ennui in painting, young generation in painting, child in the painting, child on gadget in the painting, people in the painting, exotic plants in the painting, birds in the painting, fish in the painting, water in the painting

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