
Oil on Canvas Board 355 mm X 255 mm Framed in Red Metallic Frame for Sale

  • inanimation  Oil on Canvas Board 355 mm X 255 mm Framed in Red Metallic Frame for Sale for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

Mannequins are the leitmotif.

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Sara, Italy; Scott MacMillan, Canada; Ivan, Spain; Ron Ray, USA; Derek, USA; Ommelo, Finland; Tess, USA; Fiona, USA; Nicole, The Philippines; Carmen, USA; Michelle, USA; James Schroder, USA; Miranda, Canada; Igor, Slovekia; Sara, PuertoRico; Carolyn M, USA; Nicole, Chile; Neko, USA; Eric, Canada; Brittany, USA; Indira, Malta; Maciej Zielonka, Poland; Dylan, The Netherlands; Marta, Italy; Wenona Williams, USA; Anastasia, Norway; Julia Wilkins, UK; Daniel M , USA

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas board, traditional painting, realistic painting, symbolic painting, daily scene in painting, narrative in paining, subtext to painting, social painting, contemporary painting, topical painting, painting makes a statement, message in painting, woman in painting, walking woman in painting, young woman in painting, young woman in sunglasses in painting, road in painting, pavement in painting, shop in painting, shop façade in painting, shop window in painting, store window in painting, display window in painting, mannequins in painting, dresses on display in painting, mystery car in the painting, mystery figure in the painting

Kate    USA

Love this, it's visually engaging, stark and sharp, and the title encourages the viewer
to explore and think about...what? The superficiality of fashion and 'glamour' and
the inhuman alienating, emotionally sterile quality that consumerism has?
Really nice.

Juliette Caron    USA

Nice work! I like the simple color palette. The image makes me think of the time I was walking down Rodeo Drive in LA and I felt really uncomfortable because in order to feel like you belong there, you have to spend at least a grand on your shoes alone. We went into a shop to look at an art exhibit and we were snubbed. So I swore if I ever became rich, I wouldn't buy into all of that. (Pun unintended.)

Rachel    USA

I like the reflection... I assume that's what that is, reflecting the unimportance of all the gawdy layerings and adornments that just don't matter.

Alec Bell    UK

Neatly done, perhaps in the spirit of Hockney?

Dave    USA

Excellent work by artist!

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  • Type: Oil on Canvas Board
  • Size: 355 mm X 255 mm
  • Frame: Framed in Red Metallic Frame
  • Availability:In Stock
Contemporary Paintings

  • For More Information / Enquiry Whatsapp: 9370285986

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Sara, Italy; Scott MacMillan, Canada; Ivan, Spain; Ron Ray, USA; Derek, USA; Ommelo, Finland; Tess, USA; Fiona, USA; Nicole, The Philippines; Carmen, USA; Michelle, USA; James Schroder, USA; Miranda, Canada; Igor, Slovekia; Sara, PuertoRico; Carolyn M, USA; Nicole, Chile; Neko, USA; Eric, Canada; Brittany, USA; Indira, Malta; Maciej Zielonka, Poland; Dylan, The Netherlands; Marta, Italy; Wenona Williams, USA; Anastasia, Norway; Julia Wilkins, UK; Daniel M , USA

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas board, traditional painting, realistic painting, symbolic painting, daily scene in painting, narrative in paining, subtext to painting, social painting, contemporary painting, topical painting, painting makes a statement, message in painting, woman in painting, walking woman in painting, young woman in painting, young woman in sunglasses in painting, road in painting, pavement in painting, shop in painting, shop façade in painting, shop window in painting, store window in painting, display window in painting, mannequins in painting, dresses on display in painting, mystery car in the painting, mystery figure in the painting

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