touch the light

Acrylic painting on box canvas 302mm x 405mm Unframed

  • touch the light   Acrylic painting on box canvas 302mm x 405mm Unframed for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Jocelyne R, USA; Gl, USA; Alessandra, UK; CF, Moldova, EG,UK; HL,USA; JE, USA; Luna C, Canada; NC, USA; Ann, UK; Cynthia F, Moldova; Danny, UK; Katy, USA; Janine, USA; Minnie, USA; Betty Y, Ireland, Luna, Mexico; Jen Fowler, USA; Wenona Williams, USA; Mona, Iran, T Carpenter, UK; BTA, Canada; Jehan, Bahrain; Elsa, Brazil; Irina, Russia; Ramon, Portugal; Valerio, Italy; Betty, USA; Shorina, Russia; Shirin, Iran; Trixi, USA; Alia, USA; Renkli, Turkey; Courtney, USA; Dominique, France; Meera, UK; Kazunari, Japan; Anusha, India; Mendonsa, Brazil; Kristine, Thailand; Jean, France; Laxmi, India

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  • Type: Acrylic painting on box canvas
  • Size: 302mm x 405mm
  • Frame: Unframed
Social Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Jocelyne R, USA; Gl, USA; Alessandra, UK; CF, Moldova, EG,UK; HL,USA; JE, USA; Luna C, Canada; NC, USA; Ann, UK; Cynthia F, Moldova; Danny, UK; Katy, USA; Janine, USA; Minnie, USA; Betty Y, Ireland, Luna, Mexico; Jen Fowler, USA; Wenona Williams, USA; Mona, Iran, T Carpenter, UK; BTA, Canada; Jehan, Bahrain; Elsa, Brazil; Irina, Russia; Ramon, Portugal; Valerio, Italy; Betty, USA; Shorina, Russia; Shirin, Iran; Trixi, USA; Alia, USA; Renkli, Turkey; Courtney, USA; Dominique, France; Meera, UK; Kazunari, Japan; Anusha, India; Mendonsa, Brazil; Kristine, Thailand; Jean, France; Laxmi, India

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