Contemporary Horoscope- Born Under Multiple Signs

oil on canvas 650mm x 800mm 45 mm pine moulding painted light green

A child at the centre.
Twelve colours emanate from it, each for a sign of the zodiac.
From top left clockwise the signs are -
violence against nature, ultra- rightists, war, consumerism, civil strife, pollution, sex, drugs, misery, money, peace and friendship

Detail 1 - violence against animals - Hunters and an animal
Detail 2 - ultra-rightists - neo-nazis and a hindu militant
Detail 3 - consumerism - a woman shopping
Detail 4 - violence - above- a man with a sword approaching a child
                below - punishment of flogging
Detail 5 - a soldier
Detail 6 - a baby at the centre of the painting
Detail 7 - a protester holding a rock with this hands behind his back
Detail 8 - two wheeler rider family with face masks against pollution
Detail 9 - sex - a man viewing a stripper
Detail 10 - drugs -  a man smoking narcotic drug
Detail 11 - money - stock market with bears, bulls and money
Detail 12 - misery - a mother with infant on railway track  
Detail 13 - peace - a dove
Detail 14 - friendship between two races

This image has been used by 'Bahujan Maharashtra' , a marathi daily by the erstwhile outcastes in their issue dated June 15, 2009

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Tamika Toune, Australia; Vera, Canada; Andreas, The Netherlands; Nic, USA; Maya Grey, Canada; Sua, USA; Lara, Brazil; Nako, Canada; D Hudson, UK; Chloe, USA; Selen, Italy; Anna, USA; Sandra, Ireland; Emilie, France; Jerry, Mexico; Malena, USA; Eufrat, Egypt; Cassie, UK; BA, USA; Vanessa, Czech Republic; Veronica, USA; Jacob, Poland; HRS, USA; Karolina, Russia; Keenu, Canada; Emi, Japan; Ronnie L, Israel; Roberto, Italy

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  • Type: oil on canvas
  • Size: 650mm x 800mm
  • Frame: 45 mm pine moulding painted light green
Social Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Tamika Toune, Australia; Vera, Canada; Andreas, The Netherlands; Nic, USA; Maya Grey, Canada; Sua, USA; Lara, Brazil; Nako, Canada; D Hudson, UK; Chloe, USA; Selen, Italy; Anna, USA; Sandra, Ireland; Emilie, France; Jerry, Mexico; Malena, USA; Eufrat, Egypt; Cassie, UK; BA, USA; Vanessa, Czech Republic; Veronica, USA; Jacob, Poland; HRS, USA; Karolina, Russia; Keenu, Canada; Emi, Japan; Ronnie L, Israel; Roberto, Italy

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