They Don't Stay Parallel

oil on canvas 555mm x 660mm Dark brown fibre glass with mount

  • They Don't Stay Parallel  oil on canvas 555mm x 660mm Dark brown fibre glass with mount for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

On the left from top - parallel rail tracks, a derailed train, a fatal accident.
On the right - muslims , nuns and buddhists all parallel while praying.

This image has been used by the National Alliance People's Movement's Magazine, India for their special issue - October - November 2006
This image has been used by 'Bahujan Maharashtra' , a marathi daily by the erstwhile outcastes in their issue dated June 20, 2009

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Brynn Lisp, Canada; Michel, France; Heidi, Austria; Veronica, USA; Michael, Australia; Swati, India; Cesare, France; Anastasiya, Russia; Susana, Germany; Dana, Poland; Shorina, Russia; Simone, France; HSR, USA; Kata, Russia; Rosie, Ireland; Cerulea, S Korea; Kik, Poland; Shawn, USA; Marcia, France; Monika, New Zealand; Lara, Brazil; FF, USA; Glory, Canada; Daniel H, UK; Annette, France; Dasha, Russia; Veronica, Ireland; Kamini, India; Leo, UK; Emily, UK; Pyotr, Poland; Selen, Italy; Ronnie L, Israel; MOC, USA

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  • Type: oil on canvas
  • Size: 555mm x 660mm
  • Frame: Dark brown fibre glass with mount
Social Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Brynn Lisp, Canada; Michel, France; Heidi, Austria; Veronica, USA; Michael, Australia; Swati, India; Cesare, France; Anastasiya, Russia; Susana, Germany; Dana, Poland; Shorina, Russia; Simone, France; HSR, USA; Kata, Russia; Rosie, Ireland; Cerulea, S Korea; Kik, Poland; Shawn, USA; Marcia, France; Monika, New Zealand; Lara, Brazil; FF, USA; Glory, Canada; Daniel H, UK; Annette, France; Dasha, Russia; Veronica, Ireland; Kamini, India; Leo, UK; Emily, UK; Pyotr, Poland; Selen, Italy; Ronnie L, Israel; MOC, USA

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