Arriving in the 21st century – India

Oil on Box Canvas 600 mm X 600 mm Unframed, Ready to Hang

Upper half - people in search of water, a small girl walking away from the scarcity. Lower half – city skyscrapers, traffic including a woman driver, cows on the road, a godman on mobile phone with the power above.

The lower part including the high towers [they represent skyscrapers in Indian cities] is urban India.We have mobile phones used by religious persons [a contradiction of sorts - the figure in the front is a traditional hindu holy man], a woman owner of Tata nano just getting out of the car - another sign of modernity. And we have cycle rikshaws driven by poor men too.Cows are sacred for Hindus - we believe all the gods dwell in a cow, we do not eat beef or kill cows.My point is if they are so sacred, why do we not look after them? We allow them to sit on the roads, and be dirty and unattended and a traffic nuisance.

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  • Type: Oil on Box Canvas
  • Size: 600 mm X 600 mm
  • Frame: Unframed, Ready to Hang
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