
Oil on Canvas Board 350 mm X 250 mm Grey metallic Frame

  • city  Oil on Canvas Board 350 mm X 250 mm Grey metallic Frame for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

A typical city – chaotic, dark.

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Annie, Georgia; Natalia, Poland; Jade, New Zealand; Fiona, USA; Sophie, The Netherlands; Betty Crawford, Canada; Gloria, USA; Diego, Mexico; Sabri Bora Uysal, Turkey; Nicole, Chile; Irene, France; Bob, USA; Scott MacMillan, Canada; Alice Green, Serbia; Miranda, Canada; Ashley, USA; Kaz, Malaysia; John McDermot, Canada; Sharon Goldstein, USA; Allan Hopkins, Canada; Skye, USA; Lulu, Australia; Ricardo Franco, Brazil; Danny Henessey, Austria; Joe, USA; Giulia, Italy; Alessandra, Italy; Miekl, Germany; Knut, South Africa; Laura, Romania; Joan, USA; Zoheb, India; Waelter, Germany; Alina, Romania; Alessandra, UK; Karla, Germany; Bethany, USA; Siobhan, Mexico; Dari from Nepal in The Netherlands; Yun F, China; Robert Bleier, USA; Paula, USA; Megan, UK; Grete Hallikvee, Slovenia; C Bryzdki, USA; Nicholas Weed, USA; Wenona Williams, USA; Nouille, France; Ag, Finland; Sherie, USA; JHT, Bahrain; Mona, Iran, Thomas C, UK; Elvira, Russia; NPD, USA

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas board, traditional painting, conceptual painting, realistic painting, symbolic painting, narrative in painting, subtext to painting, message in painting, social painting, contemporary painting, painting makes a statement, dark painting, darkness in painting, vehicles in painting, taxi in painting, mud in painting, road in painting, building in painting, scrap-carrier in painting, tree in painting

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  • Type: Oil on Canvas Board
  • Size: 350 mm X 250 mm
  • Frame: Grey metallic Frame
Social Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Annie, Georgia; Natalia, Poland; Jade, New Zealand; Fiona, USA; Sophie, The Netherlands; Betty Crawford, Canada; Gloria, USA; Diego, Mexico; Sabri Bora Uysal, Turkey; Nicole, Chile; Irene, France; Bob, USA; Scott MacMillan, Canada; Alice Green, Serbia; Miranda, Canada; Ashley, USA; Kaz, Malaysia; John McDermot, Canada; Sharon Goldstein, USA; Allan Hopkins, Canada; Skye, USA; Lulu, Australia; Ricardo Franco, Brazil; Danny Henessey, Austria; Joe, USA; Giulia, Italy; Alessandra, Italy; Miekl, Germany; Knut, South Africa; Laura, Romania; Joan, USA; Zoheb, India; Waelter, Germany; Alina, Romania; Alessandra, UK; Karla, Germany; Bethany, USA; Siobhan, Mexico; Dari from Nepal in The Netherlands; Yun F, China; Robert Bleier, USA; Paula, USA; Megan, UK; Grete Hallikvee, Slovenia; C Bryzdki, USA; Nicholas Weed, USA; Wenona Williams, USA; Nouille, France; Ag, Finland; Sherie, USA; JHT, Bahrain; Mona, Iran, Thomas C, UK; Elvira, Russia; NPD, USA

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas board, traditional painting, conceptual painting, realistic painting, symbolic painting, narrative in painting, subtext to painting, message in painting, social painting, contemporary painting, painting makes a statement, dark painting, darkness in painting, vehicles in painting, taxi in painting, mud in painting, road in painting, building in painting, scrap-carrier in painting, tree in painting

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