fortress europe

oil on oil-paper 297mm X 415mm Framed with glass - 435X535

  • fortress europe  oil on oil-paper 297mm X 415mm Framed with glass - 435X535 for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

Europe has ageing population. They need young labour from outside.And their policy is to restrict migrants. Two road signs sum up this policy - one old people crossing the road, two - No Entry.

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

TI, Peoples Republic of China; PRR, Russia; DHB, Spain; Lauren, USA; Jessica Z, USA; Caroline, USA; Nadia, Georgia; Sara, USA; Majda, Serbia; Becky, USA; PK, USA; Sasha, USA; Rose, USA; Skye. USA; Elizabeth de Brito, Brazil; Jay, Canada; Sue, Canada; Iggy, Hong Kong; Chibi, USA; Emily, USA; Diana, Mexico; Louise O, Germany; Rach, Spain; Stacey Y M, USA; Lucia, Argentina; Katya Plastov, Russia, Mo, Czech Republic; Becky, UK; Frankie, USA; Zoe, UK; Tamara Blue, UK; Caro, Hungary; Igor, Slovakia; Tatiana, USA; Pierre, Canada; Tofe Jakolevski, Macedonia; Nichole Taylor, USA; Nichole Taylor, Canada; Giulia, Italy; Roxy Elle, Romania; Isabella Johnson, USA; Taylor Milano, USA; Michael Zere, USA; HKF, Korea; Kristie, USA; Annika, USA; Enola, Iceland; Wayne, Mexico; Kik, Poland

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  • Type: oil on oil-paper
  • Size: 297mm X 415mm
  • Frame: Framed with glass - 435X535
Contemporary Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

TI, Peoples Republic of China; PRR, Russia; DHB, Spain; Lauren, USA; Jessica Z, USA; Caroline, USA; Nadia, Georgia; Sara, USA; Majda, Serbia; Becky, USA; PK, USA; Sasha, USA; Rose, USA; Skye. USA; Elizabeth de Brito, Brazil; Jay, Canada; Sue, Canada; Iggy, Hong Kong; Chibi, USA; Emily, USA; Diana, Mexico; Louise O, Germany; Rach, Spain; Stacey Y M, USA; Lucia, Argentina; Katya Plastov, Russia, Mo, Czech Republic; Becky, UK; Frankie, USA; Zoe, UK; Tamara Blue, UK; Caro, Hungary; Igor, Slovakia; Tatiana, USA; Pierre, Canada; Tofe Jakolevski, Macedonia; Nichole Taylor, USA; Nichole Taylor, Canada; Giulia, Italy; Roxy Elle, Romania; Isabella Johnson, USA; Taylor Milano, USA; Michael Zere, USA; HKF, Korea; Kristie, USA; Annika, USA; Enola, Iceland; Wayne, Mexico; Kik, Poland

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