The Non-literates

oil on box canvas [ready to hang] 228mm x 305mm Unframed

  • The Non-literates  oil on box canvas [ready to hang] 228mm x 305mm Unframed for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

According to the UNESCO, in the world today there are about 1 billion non-literate adults.
This 1 billion is approximately 26 percent of the world's adult population.
Women make up two-thirds of all non-literates.
98 percent of all non-literates live in developing countries.
In the least developed countries, the overall illiteracy rate is 49 percent.
52 percent of all non-literates live in India and China.
Africa as a continent has a literacy rate of less than 60 percent.
In Sub-Saharan Africa since 1980, primary school enrollment has declined, going from 58 percent to 50 percent.
In all developing countries, the percentage of children aged 6-11 not attending school is 15 percent. In the least developed countries, it is 45 percent.

I might mention that there is a lot of politics and vested interests involved in keeping people non-literate.I have one more planned on the same subject of illiteracy.

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Hal, USA; VN, USA; Alexx, USA; Marianne, Spain; Ve, USA; RT, USA; Phil, USA; Alan, UK; Theresa, Germany; Ilaria Tomasini, Italy; Pamela, Poland; Jodi, Canada; Charlene, USA; Riley Rilke, Germany; Susana E, Germany; Swati, India; Maria Luisa, Spain; Elsa, Brazil; Nina, Spain; Ramon, Portugal; Christin, Germany; Michel, France; Shirin, Iran; Swati, India; Shorina, Russia; Susana, Germany; Rossana, Italy; Maria, Spain; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Marco, Italy; Nisha, India; Rosana, Belgium; Sabo, Germany; Jijin, Japan; Beate, Germany; Rijal, India; Jeanine, The Netherlands

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  • Type: oil on box canvas [ready to hang]
  • Size: 228mm x 305mm
  • Frame: Unframed
Social Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Hal, USA; VN, USA; Alexx, USA; Marianne, Spain; Ve, USA; RT, USA; Phil, USA; Alan, UK; Theresa, Germany; Ilaria Tomasini, Italy; Pamela, Poland; Jodi, Canada; Charlene, USA; Riley Rilke, Germany; Susana E, Germany; Swati, India; Maria Luisa, Spain; Elsa, Brazil; Nina, Spain; Ramon, Portugal; Christin, Germany; Michel, France; Shirin, Iran; Swati, India; Shorina, Russia; Susana, Germany; Rossana, Italy; Maria, Spain; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Marco, Italy; Nisha, India; Rosana, Belgium; Sabo, Germany; Jijin, Japan; Beate, Germany; Rijal, India; Jeanine, The Netherlands

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