wallowing in the myth of choice

Oil on Canvas panel 615 mm X 510 mm Framed

  • wallowing in the myth of choice  Oil on Canvas panel 615 mm X  510 mm Framed for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

Criticism of liberal school of thought glorifying the concept of Choice.

For example, we have no real choice regarding any of the the squares on the board. They read - class, caste, race, gender, market, media, job, nation-state, body, toothpaste, bank, house,  religions-old, income, therapies, religions-new, domicile, education…

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

MN, Lithuania; Jana, Slovakia; Veronica, Poland; Anna H, USA, Adam, UK; AM, Poland; Stacey, Canada; Deniz Turkey; MB, USA; Sara, Italy; NB, USA, Alessandra, UK; Nicole, Philippines; AM, USA; Marta, Italy; Carolyn YM; USA; HKF, S Korea; Aerena K, Croatia;Natasha, Russia; Simone, France; Selen, Italy; Soulena, Germany; Shorina, Russia; Rossana, Italy; Kamini, India; Cesare, France; Anastasiya, Russia; Peter, New Zealand; Gia, USA; Swati, India; Margo, Italy; Claudi, USA; Kata, Russia; Sherie, USA; Elke N, Germany; Michael, Australia; Susana, Germany; Mariola, Spain; Sterenn B, France; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Jennifer, Spain; Bijay, India; Noora, Egypt; Maria Rose, Italy

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas panel, traditional painting, conceptual painting, surreal painting, symbolic painting, narrative in painting, subtext to painting, message in painting, topical painting, social painting, political painting, contemporary painting, painting makes a statement, people in painting, snakes and ladder game in painting, practiceart, art by C K Purandare India UK

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  • Type: Oil on Canvas panel
  • Size: 615 mm X 510 mm
  • Frame: Framed
Social Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

MN, Lithuania; Jana, Slovakia; Veronica, Poland; Anna H, USA, Adam, UK; AM, Poland; Stacey, Canada; Deniz Turkey; MB, USA; Sara, Italy; NB, USA, Alessandra, UK; Nicole, Philippines; AM, USA; Marta, Italy; Carolyn YM; USA; HKF, S Korea; Aerena K, Croatia;Natasha, Russia; Simone, France; Selen, Italy; Soulena, Germany; Shorina, Russia; Rossana, Italy; Kamini, India; Cesare, France; Anastasiya, Russia; Peter, New Zealand; Gia, USA; Swati, India; Margo, Italy; Claudi, USA; Kata, Russia; Sherie, USA; Elke N, Germany; Michael, Australia; Susana, Germany; Mariola, Spain; Sterenn B, France; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Jennifer, Spain; Bijay, India; Noora, Egypt; Maria Rose, Italy

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas panel, traditional painting, conceptual painting, surreal painting, symbolic painting, narrative in painting, subtext to painting, message in painting, topical painting, social painting, political painting, contemporary painting, painting makes a statement, people in painting, snakes and ladder game in painting, practiceart, art by C K Purandare India UK

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