the broom seller

Oil on Box Canvas 610mm X 520mm Unframed, Ready to Hang

Background : a typical rural mexican broom-seller has to travel 2 days on foot to get to the market, every week and earns some 5 dollars.
Plus, land-scapes and mind-scapes of South America, esp as they comes across through Gabriel Garcia Marquez's novels - Innocent Erendira, No one writes to the colonel, One hundred years of solitude, Of love and other demons, etc.
An attempt to combine both - Marquez's magic realism and the poverty in Latin America.


Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Lena B, Armenia; Lotus, UK; Noora, Egypt; Swati, India; Rossana, Italy; Sherie, USA; Susana, Germany; Shorina, Russia; Bijay, India; Marek, Hungary; Amrit, India; Gira, USA; Dori, Poland; Michel, France; Dana Sherie, Germany; Anastasiya, Russia; Cesare, France; Noushafarin, Iran; LS, USA; Gen, S Korea; Anamol, India; Elke N, Germany; Jana, Slovakia; Scott Dillahunt, USA; Patrick Star, The Philippines; Leah, UK; Beatrice S, Canada; Deniz, Turkey; Paula, USA; Luna, Canada; Fe, USA; Brenna Y, UK; Liviu Gherman, Romania; Haley, Canada; Jenn, Belgium; Mariola, Spain; Lotus, UK; Sherie, USA; Mariola, Spain; Noora, Egypt; Rossana, Italy; Shorina, Russia; Susana, Germany; Swati, India; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Bijay, India; Minoo, Iran; Lena, Russia; Jenn, France; Sadakane, S Korea; Conny, USA

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  • Type: Oil on Box Canvas
  • Size: 610mm X 520mm
  • Frame: Unframed, Ready to Hang
Social Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Lena B, Armenia; Lotus, UK; Noora, Egypt; Swati, India; Rossana, Italy; Sherie, USA; Susana, Germany; Shorina, Russia; Bijay, India; Marek, Hungary; Amrit, India; Gira, USA; Dori, Poland; Michel, France; Dana Sherie, Germany; Anastasiya, Russia; Cesare, France; Noushafarin, Iran; LS, USA; Gen, S Korea; Anamol, India; Elke N, Germany; Jana, Slovakia; Scott Dillahunt, USA; Patrick Star, The Philippines; Leah, UK; Beatrice S, Canada; Deniz, Turkey; Paula, USA; Luna, Canada; Fe, USA; Brenna Y, UK; Liviu Gherman, Romania; Haley, Canada; Jenn, Belgium; Mariola, Spain; Lotus, UK; Sherie, USA; Mariola, Spain; Noora, Egypt; Rossana, Italy; Shorina, Russia; Susana, Germany; Swati, India; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Bijay, India; Minoo, Iran; Lena, Russia; Jenn, France; Sadakane, S Korea; Conny, USA

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