state and the citizens

Oil on Box Canvas 1200 mm X 400 mm Unframed, Ready to Hang

The list of countries with citizens protesting against the State on streets by thousands increases by the day.

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Lilly, UK; LT, India; MR, USA; Marta, Italy; Dylan, USA; UC, India; Miranda Kerr, Canada; KS, UK; Allan, UK; Sheena McCrey, Ireland;T Wood, UK; Hallah, Iran; Shirin, Iran; Ji, S Korea; Nour, Egypt; Mariola, France; Elaine W, Canada; Birkhoz, Germany; Jyoti K, India; Denis, Russia; PayaI; India; Kazunari, Japan; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Thomas C, UK; Shivam, India; Lyla, Russia; Jivo, Ukraine; Valencia, Italy; Shatskaya, Belarus; Russia; Sherie, USA; Valerio, Italy; Wilma; New Zealand; Aera, S Korea

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, surreal painting, imaginary painting, fantasy painting, social painting, political painting, conceptual painting, contemporary painting, subtext to painting, message in painting, narrative in painting, symbolic painting, painting makes a statement, journalistic painting, reportage painting, criticism in painting, critique of state in painting, collage, cheetah in painting, people in painting, people on street in painting, ogre in painting, ghost in painting, suitable for political science department, college, institutions

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  • Type: Oil on Box Canvas
  • Size: 1200 mm X 400 mm
  • Frame: Unframed, Ready to Hang
Political Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Lilly, UK; LT, India; MR, USA; Marta, Italy; Dylan, USA; UC, India; Miranda Kerr, Canada; KS, UK; Allan, UK; Sheena McCrey, Ireland;T Wood, UK; Hallah, Iran; Shirin, Iran; Ji, S Korea; Nour, Egypt; Mariola, France; Elaine W, Canada; Birkhoz, Germany; Jyoti K, India; Denis, Russia; PayaI; India; Kazunari, Japan; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Thomas C, UK; Shivam, India; Lyla, Russia; Jivo, Ukraine; Valencia, Italy; Shatskaya, Belarus; Russia; Sherie, USA; Valerio, Italy; Wilma; New Zealand; Aera, S Korea

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, surreal painting, imaginary painting, fantasy painting, social painting, political painting, conceptual painting, contemporary painting, subtext to painting, message in painting, narrative in painting, symbolic painting, painting makes a statement, journalistic painting, reportage painting, criticism in painting, critique of state in painting, collage, cheetah in painting, people in painting, people on street in painting, ogre in painting, ghost in painting, suitable for political science department, college, institutions

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