the great Indian humiliation also known as Demonetisation

Oil on Box Canvas 910 mm X 600 mm Unframed, Ready to Hang

  • the great Indian humiliation also known as Demonetisation  Oil on Box Canvas 910 mm X 600 mm Unframed,  Ready to Hang for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

in Nov 2016 the Govt of India demonetised, i.e. made certain currency notes useless with a notice of 7 weeks. In India more than 97% of daily transactions happen in cash. The scheme was supposed to flush out 'black money' i.e. illegal currency out of the coffers of smugglers, builders, etc. It was ineffective as the big operators don't stock cash , they invest overseas in dollars, in s - real estate. Instead it affected the poor the most. For 7 weeks the country was in queues outside banks, post offices to deposit their cash when many of them have never seen inside of a bank.  And did never need to. It made everybody feel like a criminal.

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

GS, India; Dave, USA; Katy, Russia; Molly, Canada; Tiffany H, USA; Yone, Romania; Freks, Ireland; Brianna J, UK; Kallie Davidson, USA; Fran, UK; Lynn, USA; Linda, UK, Angela, Germany; Stephanie, Austria; Ana, Chile; Kit, Canada; Hanna C, USA; Yasmin, Jordan; BW, Bulgaria; Danny H, Austria; Zaly, Czech Republic; Kylie Q, Australia; Samantha, USA; Bo, Japan; Lenne, Mexico; Lynus, Italy; Angie Lorena Carrillo Longas, Colombia; Dora, Poland; Dani K, Italy

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, surreal painting, imaginary painting, fantasy painting, social painting, political painting, conceptual painting, contemporary painting, subtext to painting, message in painting, narrative in painting, symbolic painting, painting makes a statement, journalistic painting, reportage painting, criticism in painting, critique of state in painting, cows in painting, chicks in painting, chains in painting, monkeys in painting, parrots in painting, trees in painting, suitable for political science department, college, institutions

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  • Type: Oil on Box Canvas
  • Size: 910 mm X 600 mm
  • Frame: Unframed, Ready to Hang
Political Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

GS, India; Dave, USA; Katy, Russia; Molly, Canada; Tiffany H, USA; Yone, Romania; Freks, Ireland; Brianna J, UK; Kallie Davidson, USA; Fran, UK; Lynn, USA; Linda, UK, Angela, Germany; Stephanie, Austria; Ana, Chile; Kit, Canada; Hanna C, USA; Yasmin, Jordan; BW, Bulgaria; Danny H, Austria; Zaly, Czech Republic; Kylie Q, Australia; Samantha, USA; Bo, Japan; Lenne, Mexico; Lynus, Italy; Angie Lorena Carrillo Longas, Colombia; Dora, Poland; Dani K, Italy

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, surreal painting, imaginary painting, fantasy painting, social painting, political painting, conceptual painting, contemporary painting, subtext to painting, message in painting, narrative in painting, symbolic painting, painting makes a statement, journalistic painting, reportage painting, criticism in painting, critique of state in painting, cows in painting, chicks in painting, chains in painting, monkeys in painting, parrots in painting, trees in painting, suitable for political science department, college, institutions

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