
Oil on oil Paper 300 mm X 430 mm Unframed

  • visionaries  Oil on oil Paper 300 mm X 430 mm Unframed for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare


Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Mehsa, Iran; Gluck, Germany; BR, USA; Payal, India; Mike, Australia; Anna, Russia; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Shorina, Russia; Michaela, Germany; Bijay, India; Swati, India; Pablo, Spain; Soulena, Germany; Noora, Iran; Rossana, Italy; Sterenn B, France; Sherie, USA; Christin, Germany; Selen, Italy; Dana, Poland; Tao, S Korea; Alexandra, Russia; Dermot, UK; Lena, USA; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Elke, Germany; HSR, USA; Cerulea, S Korea; Raoul, Mexico; S Hernandez, Chile; Jessie, USA; Tom, UK; Xiao, China; Daz, Canada; Leo, USA; Emi, USA; Cesare, France; Urvashi, India; Cora, Germany; Shawn, USA; Betty, UK; Elly, Russia ; Nina, Italy; Athena, Germany; Enrico, Spain; Yazeh, Canada; Ivan , Russia; Yu Taiwan; Roberto, Italy; Mot, Germany; Maydine, Hungary; Rastin, Iran

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  • Type: Oil on oil Paper
  • Size: 300 mm X 430 mm
  • Frame: Unframed
Musings Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Mehsa, Iran; Gluck, Germany; BR, USA; Payal, India; Mike, Australia; Anna, Russia; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Shorina, Russia; Michaela, Germany; Bijay, India; Swati, India; Pablo, Spain; Soulena, Germany; Noora, Iran; Rossana, Italy; Sterenn B, France; Sherie, USA; Christin, Germany; Selen, Italy; Dana, Poland; Tao, S Korea; Alexandra, Russia; Dermot, UK; Lena, USA; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Elke, Germany; HSR, USA; Cerulea, S Korea; Raoul, Mexico; S Hernandez, Chile; Jessie, USA; Tom, UK; Xiao, China; Daz, Canada; Leo, USA; Emi, USA; Cesare, France; Urvashi, India; Cora, Germany; Shawn, USA; Betty, UK; Elly, Russia ; Nina, Italy; Athena, Germany; Enrico, Spain; Yazeh, Canada; Ivan , Russia; Yu Taiwan; Roberto, Italy; Mot, Germany; Maydine, Hungary; Rastin, Iran

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